Nurses Need Care Too
The past few years have taken a toll on all of us, largely due to the fact that life as we knew it literally blew up. The impacts as the pandemic subsided have affected everyone no matter our age or stage of life. For some, life just doesn’t seem right, and yet we can’t put our finger on the problem.
For healthcare professionals, and nurses in particular, there have been major impacts. One of the most prevalent challenges is the chronic shortage of nurses. This is not a new problem, but it is getting more critical as both new nurses and those most experienced are deciding to leave the profession. What’s happening here?
The reality is that nurses are experiencing significant exhaustion, burnout, disillusionment, and disrespect in their job.
What I have found that nurses really want is to feel like they matter: to the patients and families they care for, and to their colleagues and the teams they work in. They want time and space to care for their patients, providing the loving care and attention that they and their families deserve. Nurses in all roles and settings want to feel heard and respected by their team and the management meant to support them.
My passion and purpose are getting all nurses to this state. When nurses feel valued, are caring for patients and families with the time and attention required, and are listened to and supported in addressing systems’ challenges, they soon feel more joy and move toward the work-life harmony they want, need, and deserve.
When I first started my coaching practice and was describing my work with nurses to a fellow businesswoman, she immediately said, “Oh, you are the Nurses’ Nurse!” This has stuck with me ever since because I do care for every nurse I work with. Coaching is an important service for nurses. It is a valuable way to facilitate behavioral change. It helps nurses think more broadly for themselves when they feel challenged or unsure. For nurses that are looking to accomplish more, it provides clarity and direction.
It all starts with a conversation, and the conviction that every nurse matters!