Katie Dooley

This is the Year to Realign Your Business with Your Brand — Here’s Why Oh no—another business slow-down!Business owners from every industry know this dread. Momentum slows to a crawl, and it feels like you’ll never get that wheel turning again. I’ve seen countless businesses struggle to create a clear and solid foundation for their […]

Karla Williams

Staying Adaptive & INNOVATIVE In today’s fast-changing world, being adaptable and innovative is key for success, especially for female entrepreneurs. These qualities help women navigate challenges, grow their businesses, and stay ahead. Markets change all the time. Customers want new things, technologies improve, and global events can affect businesses. Female entrepreneurs who adapt quickly can […]

Karen Michele West

Wake Up with Makeup – Look Fabulous 24/7 Even Under Water! Hey there, lovely! Imagine this: waking up every day as radiant as a morning show host—without even touching your makeup bag. Intrigued? Let’s chat about making that a reality! Makeup isn’t just about color and contours; it’s also your personal shout-out to the world, […]

Karen Murdock

The Story Behind Voiced Memories You never know where your next inspiration will come from when you are an entrepreneur. For me, it happened at a family reunion. My nephew, who was enjoying hearing all the family stories, pointed out how easily these precious moments could be forgotten and lost to the family if we […]

Joanna Starko

A Golden JUBILEE Never would I have imagined reaching such a business milestone—our Golden 50th Year Anniversary! I started my business, Jostar Interiors, with a $5,000 loan to purchase equipment, sewing machines, and office supplies, then hired my first employee. Like all businesses, we have evolved and adapted to the market and our clients’ needs, […]

Jessilyn Persson

Break the Myths: Take Charge of Your Wealth! YOU deserve to be WEALTHY! There is no shame in wanting to live an abundant life. To live the life you desire and have the ability to give back in a meaningful way, you need to be wealthy. Full stop. Growing up, we often heard the fairytale […]

Jessica Derksen

Health & Wellness is THE KEY TO SUCCESS in Business and in Life We are all busy! In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, and often, this comes at a cost to our health and wellness. We forget that taking care of our health is not […]

Jennifer O’Connor

Your Dreams Become Our Goals, Your House Becomes a Home, and Your Investment Becomes Your Legacy As the proud second-generation owner of Schaaf Realty Ltd, I bring over 25 years of expertise in Real Estate Services, specializing in Sale, Purchase, and Property Management. My journey in real estate began with a passion for transforming properties […]

Jesse Schewchuk

Content Is Queen Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between the rolling hills of Sherwood Park, there lived a young girl named Jesse. Jesse’s life had not been a fairytale; her mother had passed away when she was just a very young woman, leaving her to fend for herself and her young […]

Janet Sawatsky

LOOKING FOR BETTER BUSINESS RESULTS?YOU NEED A STRATEGIC DIRECTION Inspired Planning Accelerates Productivity & Profitability YOU NEEDJanet SawatskyStrategic Business Management Consultantto help you TAKE THE RIGHT ACTION CREATE THE SUCCESS YOU DESERVE Janet Sawatsky, MA, Prosci®CEO & Founder of 7 Point Trends Inc.hello@7pointtrends.com | 587-576-2755www.7pointtrends.com What Matters Most to You?DECLARE YOUR INTENTIONS