Ricky Issler

Harnessing the Power WithinTransforming Lives Through Hypnosis Sometimes, when we hear the word “hypnosis,” it conjures up images of people doing silly things on a stage under the “control” of a hypnotist. And while that can be fun to watch, it is not what I do at Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions. As a Certified Hypnotist, I […]

Rebecca Klepic

A Life Made of Miracles –INSIGHTS FROM A REFORMED PEOPLE-PLEASER Have you ever been at that turning point when you realize you’ve been living someone else’s dreams for your life, not your own? Maybe you were going along, feigning happiness, hiding your true feelings, even ignoring your own needs. A victim of paralysis by analysis, […]

Rai Jaber

An Activewear Brand that Empowers Women I want to inspire women to prioritize their physical and mental health and equip them with stylish, high-quality activewear that allows them to feel comfortable, confident, and ready to take on any challenge. I believe that by empowering women, we can create a ripple effect of positivity, confidence, and […]

Patti Chrabaszcz

Tailored Solutions for BUSY ENTREPRENEURS! Depending on your personality, you may find being self-employed exciting or terrifying. Realistically, it is probably a blend of both emotions, with many more added in. There are myriad reasons people start their own businesses, and none of them are more “right” than any other. For me, it was the […]

Nancy Nance

Choose Joy: A Survivor’s Guide for Hope I want to inspire you to be the person that someone looks at and says, “Because of you, I didn’t give up.” Being human isn’t always easy. Difficult challenges and everyday stressors create times when it could seem easier to just give up. I am here to inspire […]

The Importance of Financial Literacy for Women Entrepreneurs

Financial literacy is a crucial skill for any entrepreneur, but it is especially important for women entrepreneurs who often face unique challenges in the business world. Understanding and managing finances effectively can be the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. Here are key reasons why financial literacy is essential for women entrepreneurs […]

Leveraging Social Media for Business Growth

In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for business growth, especially for women entrepreneurs. With billions of users worldwide, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. Discover powerful tactics for harnessing social media to fuel your business expansion. […]

Success Stories: How These Women Entrepreneurs Overcame Challenges

In the world of entrepreneurship, women face unique challenges that require resilience, creativity, and determination to overcome. Despite these hurdles, many women have built thriving businesses and achieved remarkable success. Here are some inspiring stories of women entrepreneurs who have faced adversity head-on and emerged victorious, providing valuable lessons and motivation for others on similar […]