Mirande Alexandre

Mirande Alexandre

Are There Grants Available for Your Project?

Your project or organization may qualify for available grants.

Grants for Non-Profit and For-Profit Organizations…

A professional grant coordinator can help assess your situation, locate available funds to meet your needs, and assist with the grant proposal development and submission process.

  • Project and Grant Consultation
  • Grant writing and development
  • Project plans and evaluation criteria
  • Workshop facilitation on business planning, policies, management, marketing, and sales strategies

“Mirande is an amazing grant writer. She has worked on numerous projects with me, and I am so grateful for her knowledge, expertise, and professionalism. Thank you, Mirande – I could never do this!”
– Dorothy Briggs, Executive Director, ACES – Association of a Community Engaged in Sharing

Mirande Alexandre
Connecting 360™
misamalex@yahoo.ca | (780) 263-1393