Christa Jones

Unveiling the Power of Hypnotherapy to Overcome Procrastination, Clutter & Disorganization Procrastination, collecting clutter, and disorganization are common challenges that many individuals face, often rooted in subconscious programming and learned beliefs and behaviours. While getting the help of our team of Professional Organizers to deal with the physical clutter and external environment does offer massive […]

Donna Lynne Erickson

A Senior’s Guide to Loss, Love, and Laughter Start my own business as a comedian and a bereavement facilitator? What a thought! But when there is a fire in your belly to do something out of the box, sitting behind a desk from nine to five just does not work for some of us. Becoming […]

Heather Cournoyer

Beyond Insurance: Empowering Businesses through Expertise and Care My journey in the insurance industry began a few decades ago in a support role, a common path for many women at the time. However, I was determined to excel. I enrolled in night classes and, within a few short years, successfully completed both my Certified Insurance […]

Christine Zacharko

Glasses to Go: Accessible Vision For All, Anywhere, Anytime Looking for eyecare services for a loved one in the hospital or assisted living can be challenging, but Glasses to Go is here to help! As the leading mobile eyewear company in Canada, we understand your unique needs and are dedicated to bringing expert optician services […]

Donna Purcell

Disruptive Digital Transformation and Business Law I am the founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Donna Purcell QC Law (drop by our head office in Gasoline Alley). Established in 2020, my cloud-based full-service law firm includes a focus on supporting small to medium-sized new and established businesses with their business law needs. We seek to […]

Crystal Donnelly

Mortgage LENDING FOR Entrepreneurs The world of residential and commercial mortgages is complex, especially for entrepreneurs, but it shouldn’t be stressful—if you are working with the right broker. As a local family business that I am so proud to own and operate with my sister Danielle, I know and understand entrepreneurship and the challenges that […]

Ronke Omorodion

After almost a decade of being known as the entrepreneur’s lawyer in Nigeria, my husband and I decided to take advantage of the opportunities afforded in Canada, and I was fortunate to join Donna Purcell QC Law as the Calgary Managing Lawyer. Earlier in my career, I discovered that most entrepreneurs were unaware of the […]

Canadian Imperial Advantage

Programs Services Program Overview Her-conomy is a 6-week program designed to build an inclusive world without borders for women in Alberta and Western Canada. This is achieved through capacity-building training in leadership support and social empowerment for women entrepreneurs, leaders, and advocates. The program fosters an empowering community where women of diverse backgrounds, life experiences, […]

Leigh Sands

I joined Donna Purcell QC Law in 2021, bringing my almostdecade of focused estate law experience to round out the team.Throughout my career I have developed a passion for assistingclients in organizing their affairs and planning for death anddisability through Wills, Powers of Attorney and PersonalDirectives, as well as helping clients navigate the world ofprobate […]

Corby Furrow

Don’t say the “F” WORD! How many of you have been taught that the “F” word is a bad word? No, not that one—I’m talking about Feelings. In many workplaces, we’re told that feelings and emotions don’t belong. They make people uncomfortable. When a child falls and cries, we often hear, “Oh, you’re okay, it […]